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  • OM Life® System: Methods for creating a lifestyle that regularly sparks the kind of personal growth you are looking for and primes you to dive deep.  How you get where you are going profoundly affects what you get when you arrive.  We have not been taught the processes that contribute to our overall well-being and access to our potential.  Inside your body, you carry the most powerful drive on the planet, the Orgasm Impulse, that can be used not just to feel good but to evolve you as a human being.  It can help heal you, incline you towards empathy, connection, and generosity, and bring you face to face with your deeper desire.

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My practice does not cover issues with anger management or minors nor is it a substitute for psychotherapy or psychiatric/medical treatment.

Above content on OM Life System® adapted from "OM Life: Life, Stroke by Stroke,”© 2016 OneTaste® Inc. (OTI), all rights reserved.

OM Training: About Me


"What we think, we become"

OM Training: Quote
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